Reasons Why You Should Add Face Toner to Your Beauty Routine

Toners are an important part of any beauty routine because they can help with oil, wrinkles, dark spots, and dryness. However, many people aren’t aware of how exactly to use toner. Keep reading to learn more about the best toner for acne.

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Five Benefits of Castile Soap

Castile soap is everywhere these days. What makes it so great and why should you use it?

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Reasons to Add VITAMIN C CREAM to Your Skin Care Routine

Integrating a Vitamin C cream into your skin care routine will improve more than the appearance of your skin. It has a number of health benefits, and it will leave you feeling amazing.

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5 Easy Ways to De-stress & Help your Skin Stay Clear

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With all the stresses going on today with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is very easy for all of us to feel generally very stressed and overwhelmed

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Easy-peasy Decluttering Tasks and Tips

Clutter tends to build up in our lives and cause us to become overwhelmed. Most of the time we feel too busy to take the time to tidy up a bit, when really, doing so has helped many people become more productive and efficient. We are less distracted and feel less chaotic when our environment around us has order. We can also find what we are looking for much faster when we are working in an organized setting. Even though many of us are currently facing quarantined time, organizing the entire house can still feel like a daunting task. We find it easiest to break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks.

Clean up kitchen counters. Maybe it’s just a few dishes that are drying after being washed, maybe it’s a bunch of random things that have accumulated. Either way, it makes things more challenging for the entire household to prepare food around all of it and this can add small frustrations to everyone who needs to use the kitchen. A quick tidy session around the kitchen shouldn’t take too long and it will make it easier to accomplish tasks in the kitchen.

Clean out that old junk drawer. You know the one I’m talking about – we all have one. The drawer that collects everything that doesn’t have a place elsewhere. It’s nothing to really be ashamed of, it just helps to clean it out occasionally so that you know exactly what you have stored in it. You may have things in there that aren’t relevant, or you don’t have use for anymore. You can also organize this drawer by using smaller boxes to keep items in there separated and easily found.

Clean out the fridge. When was the last time you did it? Let’s be honest with ourselves, because a lot of us often forget about this task. There might be some items in our fridge that we haven’t realized expired because they were tucked way back on a shelf. Just think of how nice it will be to have some extra space in your fridge for fresh items that can be eaten again. Once you have the fridge mastered, you can begin taking one or two pantry shelves at a time too!

Go through a drawer or two of clothing. Sometimes going through all our clothes at once can take too much time and cause us to avoid this chore. This is time for some moments of truth though. It’s time to let go of the things that no longer fit, that you haven’t worn in over a year, and the items that are in poor condition. We can promise you that your wardrobe will make you feel so much more confident every day by doing so. You will feel better about only holding on to the things that currently make you feel great when you wear them.

Put everything in the dining room away. Many of us use our dining room for more than just dining. It is the place for crafting, homework, monthly or weekly budgeting, and even the collector of random papers from the mailbox. It will take less time than it initially looks like. Just start removing pieces that don’t belong, throw out or recycle the papers that you no longer need, find another space for the art projects, and have the kids put their homework back in their backpacks. Once the table is tidied up, all it needs is a quick wipe down and it is ready to host family meals again.

Make a space for everything crowding your entryway. This area of the home tends to get cluttered quickly. It’s also the first visual point when you come home or have guests over. This can instantly cause your home to feel like chaos upon arrival. Have a designated place for the family to put their keys, coats, and shoes so that things aren’t thrown on the ground and left there.

Throw away old, expired products in your bathroom. Even beauty products have an expiration date. They won’t be as effective and may cause irritations or other issues. It may also be time to replace old products and purchase your favorite Luxiny products that you know you will use every day instead! This part of the job isn’t so bad when you get to treat yourself to your favorite skin care products.

Even though cleaning the house from top to bottom feels daunting, it becomes so much less stressful when it is broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks. It’s also important to remember that everything does not need to be completed in one day. Make sure that you are caring for yourself and your needs, as well as the household’s needs. Luxiny has some of the best products to show your skin some of the self-love that it’s been longing for. Visit our website for more information today!

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How to Stay Motivated

It is so easy to lose motivation in today’s society with all the distractions that we face daily. We may want to have bigger goals, but our daily lives don’t support the drive that it takes to accomplish them. Some people may only want to enhance their daily routines (like creating a steady skin care routine) and just can’t seem to bring themselves to keep their commitment to change. In either scenario, there are simple steps you can put in place in order to help yourself power through and reach your goals.

Visualize your goals and achievements. Some of the most well-known athletes will take time to envision what their win would feel like, smell like and look like. They visualize what will need to happen in order to achieve their goals. They focus on the bigger picture and zone in on the win.

Break down your goal into smaller targets and celebrate them. Sometimes the bigger picture is too overwhelming to focus on. Write down your end goal and then break it down into smaller steps that you need to take in order to get there. If your goal is to get a college degree, you can break it down by classes left or semesters remaining until graduation. If you just want to create a better routine, write down the ways things would need to change a little in order to include it in your routine.

Focus on your “why.” Remember why you were motivated in the first place. If you want to make a difference in the world, remember why it would be a good change. If you want clear skin, focus on how badly you want young, bright, clear skin. Make a list of reasons why you want to accomplish your goal. Don’t let temporary feelings or distractions stand in your way of what you want long term.

Change your approach a little. Not every attempt will go as planned. Be forgiving with yourself in times that you feel like you’ve failed. Rest, focus, and think of a new way to achieve your goal. Maybe instead of waiting until right before bed to wash your face, plan to do so about an hour or two before you normally go to sleep. This would ensure that you don’t get too sleepy to complete the task.

Step back and appreciate your progress. If you get discouraged at how far you must go, look back and remember the progress that you’ve already made. This gives you a moment for gratitude and will make you happier while continuing your progress. Always remember that you are one step closer than you were yesterday.

Whether your goal is to commit to healthier routines or to change the world, we need to make a plan and stay motivated enough to do what it takes to reach your goal. Healthier skin reflects a healthier body. Luxiny has the best skin care products to help you get a healthier you. Our products are vegan, gluten-free, paraben-free, sulfate-free, and are only made from natural or naturally derived ingredients! Find out more on our website today!

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The Benefits of Glycolic Acid

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Glycolic Acid is life changing when it comes to your skin care routine. It is a chemical exfoliant that gently sloughs off dead skin to reveal younger, healthier skin. This sounds scary, but it’s actually quite the opposite. It’s one of the safest ways to remove the dead skin, and it won’t clog your pores like other exfoliants will. You just simply need to start using it like you would any other exfoliant and start slow.

While Glycolic Acid is best known for being an exfoliant, it has many other benefits as well. It is the smallest structure of alpha-hydroxy acids, and it also has the lowest molecular weight. Because of this, it can easily penetrate the skin deeply and effectively to provide your skin with the best results and can serve more than one purpose. Other skin issues that Glycolic Acid can be used to help you treat are:

  • Scarring
  • Balancing the PH in your skin
  • Dark spots
  • Acne
  • Signs of aging
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Large pores
  • Loss of collagen

Our products at Luxiny are natural or naturally derived, vegan, 100% cruelty-free, not tested on animals, gluten-free, sulfate-free, and even paraben-free. We are incredibly excited to provide our customers with the best Glycolic Acid products in order to help you with some of the issues you might be facing with your skin. To find out more about our Glycolic Acid Cleanser and Glycolic Acid Toner visit our website today!

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What To Do At Night For A More Successful Tomorrow

Our routines the night before a big day are often overlooked and underrated. People are tired and worn out at the end of the day, so they resort to a good Netflix binge and call it a night. What most people don’t realize is that they can help prepare themselves for the next day and make their morning a little easier for themselves. This can begin to set a standard in place for how organized our next day will be. Below you will find a list of things that you can do at night in order to improve tomorrow’s success.

Plan your day. It’s easy to put together a mental list of things that need to get done tomorrow, but it really helps us manage our time if we write them all down. Even more so, put together a timeline for each item on your to-do list so nothing is forgotten or missed. This also helps create a visual for how much time we have for distractions and could help you avoid them in the first place.

Think about what you can prepare for tomorrow. There is almost always something we can do to help ourselves prepare for a more efficient morning. It could be laying our clothes out for the next day, making the family’s lunches, or even just making sure that your bag for the day is packed and ready to go. No matter what it is, it will make your morning just a little bit more efficient when all these decisions are made in advance.

Take your makeup off and wash your face. Our bodies do most of their restorative work while we sleep at night. When we diligently remove our makeup and wash our face, we prepare our skin to look brighter and cleaner for the next morning. That little boost of confidence we get from clear skin can go a long way the next morning while we rush through our busy lives. The more confident we are, the better we handle other things in our lives.

Take some time to unwind. This means shutting our phones and TV off at night when we should be trying to relax and prepare to sleep. The blue light from those screens act as a stimulant and can cause unnecessary insomnia. About an hour before bed we should consider turning them off for the night. If we don’t sleep well, we don’t perform as well the next day. There are many things you can do instead of watching TV or scrolling through social media though. Reading a book, journaling, meditation, stretching, and bedtime yoga are only a few suggestions that could help you unwind.

Doing all these things the night before will help you start your morning off right. It will allow you to approach your day in a more organized manner. Luxiny has the best skin care products to add to your nightly routine! To find out more and order them, visit our website today!

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How to Feel Confident Everyday

Many people seem to think that feeling confident every day involves a level of arrogance and self-centeredness, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. It goes beyond the superficial and has more to do with building a life that you love and deserve. When you feel confident you approach life with a completely different attitude, which can help you acquire the things that you want out of life. Having a good sense of self-confidence can help you in your relationships, in your career, and standing alone. We have composed a list of suggestions that you can use to help yourself feel more confident every day.

Exercise and Eat Mindfully

We shouldn’t do these things as a form of torture because we hate the way our body looks. Instead, we should focus on the intention of thanking our bodies for getting us through another day. Exercising, eating healthy foods, and staying hydrated helps us to produce happy hormones and think clearer. Doing so will help fuel our body properly for the way that we want it to and the way that it was it was meant to function.

Sit Up Straight

Power poses make you feel more confident and none of them include slouching. In fact, psychological studies seem to say that slouching can make you feel sadder instead. You can actually trick your body into feeling more positive by changing your position and sitting upright.    

Give Yourself Positive Affirmations

Think about all of the things that you love about yourself and who you are. On days when you are feeling a little more insecure or fighting the urge to compare your life to others, sit back and focus on all the positive things about yourself. We are surrounded by comparison attitudes. It is fed to us by magazines and we do it all the time while scrolling through social media. Maybe we’re not who or where we want to be yet, but we’re likely on our way. Think about how far you have come and give yourself the time to feel proud of those accomplishments. Refuse to think negatively about yourself.

Wear Your Favorite Outfit

You shouldn’t rely solely on clothing our outfits to make yourself feel good, but it’s okay to reach for the clothing that improves your body image. If they can help you reach the level of security you need to feel your most confident, then definitely go for it. After all, we all have those articles of clothing that make us feel a bit more forgiven when we aren’t feeling our best.

Wash Your Face

Your skin covers your entire body. It is your largest organ and it’s exposed to the world. If it doesn’t look or feel it’s best, then you won’t feel as confident. Takin good care of your skin makes the world of a difference when it comes to how confident we feel with and without makeup. Luxiny has the best skincare products that will help you achieve your healthiest and most confident glow. Their products are GMO-free, sulfate-free, vegan, not tested on animals, cruelty-free, gluten-free, and made in the USA. For more information about our products visit our website!

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Habits for a More Productive Morning

Most of us spend our mornings hitting the snooze button and rushing to get ready each morning after sleeping a little later than we probably should have. This often causes us to start our day stressed out and racing to get out the door so that we aren’t late. In order to change this outcome, one needs to be motivated and disciplined enough to create healthier habits. We have put together a list of suggestions that might help you become more productive in the mornings.

Visualize what you want to come out of your mornings. Think about your goals clearly and make sure that what you want is realistic. Once you have done this, you can begin writing it down and planning. Planning can seem pointless and redundant because you already know what you want to accomplish, but it really helps to have laid out in front of you. When you write it down it creates a solid commitment and it will help you avoid distractions when you see that you don’t have the extra time to partake in them.

Snooze no more! Hitting the snooze button is so tempting when our alarm goes off in the morning, but it can do more damage than good. We all want 10 more minutes of sleep, but our body isn’t wired for those short napping increments. Snoozing the alarm can even potentially make you more tired than you were when your alarm first went off! Most people don’t ever feel like getting out of their warm, cozy bed, but it’s best to just commit to it and get up when the alarm rings. Sometimes it helps to count down from five and then just do it.

Social media is a total time sucker. Try to avoid social media in the morning, because you don’t need a distracting feed first thing in the morning. It often detracts focus and attention from our own lives and puts it on other’s lives. If you stay focused on your life, goals, dreams, and aspirations, it’s easier to stay motivated and on track with the plan you created the night before.

Eat to fuel your body properly throughout the day. Providing your body with the nutrients it needs first thing in the morning helps with everything. Eating a healthy meal provides you with mental clarity, more energy, and a bonus is keeping your skin bright, clear, and glowing!

Wash your face! Washing your face or taking a shower can give you a fresh start to the day. It makes you feel clean, refreshed, and ready to face the day. The cold water from washing your face can jolt your body into feeling more awake in the best way possible.

These habit suggestions seem simple enough, but it takes hard work to change our current patterns. If you have any more good morning habit suggestions, we’d love to hear them! Luxiny has the best skin care products to help you start your morning the right way! Visit our website today if you want to know more about them or purchase them today!

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